Project ‘Life’ the functional hub for Saurashtra Medical & Educational Trust and Indian Medical Scientific Research Foundation is well supported by leading corporates with philanthropic goals and commitment to bring a positive change in the life of the less privileged.Mobilizing the power of philanthropy and charity, Project ‘Life’ paves the way to transform lives in core societal domains like rural primary education, women empowerment, blood banking, Thalassaemia prevention, Environment protection, Health & Wellbeing and more.The organization welcomes corporate CSR arms to visit, assess and consider partnering with Project ‘Life’ in interventions of choice and charter to promote sustainable projects in humanitarian service.

Project ‘Life’ requests CSR support for:

  • Women empowerment through vocational training in various skills.
  • FOC blood for financially challenged patients in need of blood.
  • Critical equipment for blood bank for advanced processing, storage and delivery.
  • Prevention of Thalassaemia – a terminal genetic blood disorder.
  • Infrastructure building of dilapidated rural primary schools.

Upgrading reconstructed schools with digitization, smart classes, sports paraphernalia, science on wheel project, advance training for teachers and more.

Elaborate project proposals are submitted for consideration and detailed presentations are arranged for in-depth review. Progress reports are custom designed to meet the criteria laid down by the sponsoring corporate.

Our Supporter's