Life Logo

Blood Banking, Thalassaemia Prevention, Women Empowerment, Primary Education, Environment Preservation, Health & Wellness, Paramedical Education, NRG integration.

The Symbol of Project 'LIFE', portrays the philosophy behind all its interventions.  

  • The circle represents the endless flow of energy which sustains all LIFE, also accentuating the Vedic concept of zero. 
  • The red colour represents blood, while green colour symbolizes environment; both essential for sustaining LIFE on the planet.
  • The five drops of blood represent the five elements of LIFE - earth, air, fire, water and space. 
  • The white ‘S’ symbolizes safety, security and sustenance.
  • The shape of the white drop illustrates flame of the candle (Jyot), which symbolizes LIFE.
  • The leaf inside the circle signifies green earth, suggesting there is a thin dividing line between human blood and plasma of trees. 
  • The white waves and red waves portray constant change towards betterment in LIFE.

LIFE is a vibrant movement, a never ending progression in service to mankind.