Welcome to Life Greenfield Centre

Save Environment. It will save YOU.

Life Greenfield Centre (LGC) was instituted with a aim to increase the awareness and to provide suitable solution about the problems caused by lack of rainfall and high pollution. When the world is facing the problems of environmental degradation, raised temperatures and global warming, LGC came up with this initiative to maintain green cover of the Earth. Main objective is to provide awareness about preserving and growing more trees which is the only way of implementing the goals of environmental protection. LGC nurtures indigenous varieties of saplings for 4-5 years and are raised to about 6to 15 feet of height and then distributed for replantation giving high survival ratio of more than 99%.

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To preserve, protect and enrich environment.


To grow and nurture trees for 4-5 years to 6-15 feet height and distribute them to environment enthusiasts for replantation achieving survival rate of 99.9% and thus contribute to protect the ozone layer for a greener, healthier earth.


To increase the plantation and distribution of healthy trees which require less post-plantation care with 100% survival rate.

He that plants tree loves other beside himself.
- Thomas Fuller


Trees Distributed for Replantation


Indigenous Varieties of Trees and Plants Available


Plants up to 6-15 Feet Ready for Distribution


Plants Being Nurtured

Project Environment

Planted By

We are nurturing 6-8 ft. tall self sustaining plants:
Project Enviornment

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Project Environment

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