Success Stories

Pooja*, a woman of 27 years was suffering from Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH). The doctor treating her advised to issue blood units on an emergency basis as she was continuously bleeding. Due to PPH, her hemoglobin and blood pressure was low, when she was transferred from her village in Rajkot district, Gujarat state.

Pooja was referred by her doctor to Life Blood Centre (LBC) for blood transfusion. She was transfused 34 units of blood in 48 hours. Despite her condition being severe, she could be saved, as blood was available when she needed. This could happen only because of voluntary blood donors who donate for a life-saving cause.

Pooja's life was saved and she was back to her home with her family.

There are many more such woman like Pooja who suffer from PPH, whose lives need to be saved.

Stand up for a cause! Donate blood, save lives!

Post-Partum Hemorrhage

Post-Partum Hemmorrhage is a condition where there is excessive bleeding, more than 500ml or 100ml blood loss in the first 24 hours following delivery.

Post-Partum Hemorrhage

  • Increased heart rate,
  • Feeling faint on standing up,
  • Increased breath rate
  • Low blood pressure/giddiness


  • Uterine atony
  • Trauma
  • Retained placenta
  • Coagulopathy

Prevention is better than cure

PPH accounts to 35-56% of maternal deaths in India. Prevention and control of PPH can play a significant role in saving lives of mothers.

Pooja* - name changed to keep the woman's identity intact

Ramesh*, a 49 year man from Rajkot district suffered from Guillian Barr Strohl (GBS) Syndrome or Paralysis.

Landry's paralysis is a rapid onset of weakness in limbs as a result of an acute polyneuropathy, a disorder affecting peripheral nervous system.

The doctor treating him advised for multiple transfusions. Initially 4 repeated transfusions of 18 units everyday was transfused. Every day, a total of 72 units was transfused. However, further medical examination revealed need for more such transfusions.

Thus, a total of 108 units of blood were transfused to Ramesh for a period of eight days.

Ramesh is thankful to Life Blood Centre and the doctors treating him. He acknowledges the voluntary blood donors, because of whom, he could receive multiple transfusions.

We urge people to come forward to Donate blood, save lives!

Knowing GBS Syndrome

It is a rapid onset of muscle weakness as a result of damage to the peripheral nervous system. In acute cases, the disorder can be life-threatening with about a quarter developing weakness of the breathing muscle by changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system, leading to dangerous abnormalities in heart rate and blood pressure.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Pain
  • failure
  • Autonomic or involuntary nervous system dysfunction

GBS can lead to death as a result of a number of complications, severe infections, blood clots and cardiac arrest due to autonomic neuropathy.

Treatment of GBS syndrome involves immunotherapy, ventilation and rehabilitation which plays a crucial role in saving lives.

Ramesh* - name changed to maintain confidentiality